Traveling Long Term? Bring Your Stuff to Storage Post
If you have plans for long term travel, you may have determined it’s not exactly economical to continue paying rent on a condo, townhouse, or apartment; or you may be concerned about the security of your home while it is left unattended. By using self storage, you can securely store your belongings while you travel. But before you move all your belongings into a self storage unit, check out a few of our tips:
Choose the Proper Size and Climate Control
After paring down and eliminating unnecessary items, determine the exact size of storage unit you will need to prevent paying for unused space or a unit that isn’t big enough for all of your belongings. If you will be away for more than one season or you are storing climate sensitive belongings (electronics, wood furniture, clothing, photo albums, instruments, leather, etc.) you will want to choose a climate controlled unit.
Pack Properly
Take the time to organize your storage unit as you pack it. This will save you a lot of time and stress when it comes time to unpack or find a particular item. Plus, the more organized your unit is, the more you will be able to fit into it. Stack boxes on boxes with the heaviest boxes on the bottom. Be sure to leave an aisle to walk to make items more easily accessible. Make sure all boxes and containers are specifically labelled on each side. The last items you should pack in your unit should be the items you will want first when you return from your travels, this includes any important paperwork (wills, tax records, birth certificates, bank statements, etc.).
Appoint Access to a Local Person
What happens if you need a document or your unit needs to be opened to check for leaks or pest control purposes while you are traveling? Sometimes unforeseen situations arise so you may want to leave a key with a local person who can visit the storage unit on your behalf if the need arises.
Don’t accidentally miss a payment while you are traveling! Prepay your storage unit or set up an auto-pay program through the facility or your bank.
Choose the Right Storage Facility
Above all, choose a self storage facility that you trust to keep your valuables safe and secure. Look for fencing, security lighting, and cameras at the facility and individual door alarms and locks on each unit.
Don’t stress about your stuff while you travel—bring your items to your local Storage Post! We have a wide variety of unit sizes and options to choose from, and the safest facilities around!
Up To Two Months Free!
For a limited time, get up to two months rent free on selected units.