The Storage Post Self-Storage Blog

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In Louisiana, the state saw a population growth of 2.7% since the 2010 census.

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Mention Louisiana, and people immediately think of New Orleans—the Big Easy, Mardi Gras, Bourbon Street, Creole cuisine and jazz music. But NOLA, Baton Rouge and the rest of the state pose unique storage issues that are unique as Louisiana’s most famous city.

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Approximately 8 million people live in NYC, and the city that never sleeps has some unique storage challenges for residents. Here’s a rundown of five unique storage issues in New York City. 

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About 8 million people call New York City home, which is 48% of the entire population of the state of New York. Most people who live in NYC live in apartments, and that means storage is challenging. Here are four reasons why New Yorkers need more storage than most.

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A smile, an event, a memory frozen in time -- family pictures are treasured and often handed down. The problem is, they can also take up lots of space, or don’t do well in your home that’s sweltering hot in the summer.

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Whether a beloved playmate or a rare collectible, dolls require special care to preserve them. Here is your collectible storage guide for dolls. 

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Since the mid-1800s, people have been collecting baseball cards. What started as a giveaway by tobacco and confectionery companies has become a lucrative investment, with some collections outperforming the stock market in valuation.